

“But I — and maybe Grace House itself — would like to see it on a larger stage, such as the Taper or the Geffen… Many more Angelenos should see it…”
—Don Shirley, Angeles Stage

“A must-see … stimulating, thought-provoking, and entertaining…”
—Elaine Mura, Splash Magazine

“Top 10…Recommended…an engaging production with sharp dialogue, compelling social commentary, and a needed exploration of the delicate—and often contentious—balance between preservation and progress…”
—Kathleen Foley, Stage Raw

“Wow… one doozy of a thriller…The fact that its shocking twists sneak up on you only add to the excitement of this humdinger of a World Premiere…”
—Steven Stanley, Stage Scene LA

“A wild ride with memorable insight into a number of issues of pressing concern…”
—Eric Gordon, People’s World

“A very witty and even stirring stage showcase…”
— Rich Borowy, Accessibly Live